2024-2025 AWANA Registration

Please fill out this form to register for Wednesday night Awana Clubs (one per family) and click submit.
Awana is every Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:15 beginning September 11th.
Household Information

Child(ren) Information

Child #1
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Child #2
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Child #3
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
For families with more than 3 children enrolling, please fill out a second form for your other kids. Thanks!
Permissions and Medical Release

Terms & Conditions

1. I understand that my child/ren may participate in physical activites such as those held during game time. As with any physical activity, there is risk of injury. I agree to release and hold harmless Alliance Church of the Valley, church staff, adult volunteers, and the Christian Missionary Alliance from any and all claims, suits, costs and actions of any kind whatsoever arising from their exercise of the power granted by this authorization.

2. In the event of an emergency that requires medical treatment for the above named child/ren, I understand that every effort will be made to communicate with me or my emergency contact. However, if we cannot be contacted, I give my permission to Alliance Church of the Valley to secure the services necessary for my child's well-being. I assume responsibility for all costs connected to any accident or treatment of my child.
Please select all that apply.
Photo Release:
Photographs are taken of children's ministry activites for outreach and promotional purposes. Uses might include a display board, slide show, social media, church website or brochures. Children's names are never displayed.
Please select all that apply.
Awana Supplies

Please indicate the items you need for the year. An Awana staff member will contact you with your total amount due.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Once you hit "submit" your child/ren will be registered for Awana and you can expect a confirmation email and an email with total due first night of AWANA. If you have questions, contact acvawana@gmail.com.


Please fill out this form to register for Wednesday night Awana Clubs (one per family) and click submit.